Unknown buyers entered into contract to acquire 21.81% stake in Castello SGR Società di Gestione del Risparmio and unknown stake in Credit Access Asia N.V. from Mittel S.p.A (BIT:MIT) for €7.7 million in December 2016. As a result of the transactions, Mittel exits from its shareholding in both Castello SGR and Credit Access Asia. As of January 17, 2017, Mittel S.p.A completed the sale of the unknown stake in Credit Access Asia N.V. while the sale of 21.81% stake in Castello SGR Società di Gestione del Risparmio is subject to approval by the Bank of Italy. The transactions are expected to generate positive economic impact on the consolidated financial statements of Mittel for the current year, gross of the tax effect, totaling €4.1 million. Marco Gubitosi, Andrea Botti, Walter Campagna, Marco Penna and Nicola Bettoli of Legance - Avvocati Associati acted as legal advisor for the buyer of 21.81% stake in Castello Sgr. Moccagatta Associati acted as PR advisor for Mittel.