On February 4th, 2009 the  Board of Directors of Metro  International
has  resolved   to  ask   for   general  meeting   of   shareholders'
authorization to raise  approximately SEK 550  million through a  new
issue  of  Swedish  Depository  Receipts  (SDRs)  over   subordinated
debentures and  over  warrants,  both with  preferential  rights  for
existing  holders  of  series   A  or  series   B  SDRs  over   Metro
International's shares. The Board of Directors has resolved to summon
an Extraordinary General Meeting  to be held  on 24th February  2009.
Investment AB Kinnevik has, subject to certain conditions, undertaken
to fully  underwrite the  contemplated new  issue of  debentures  and

The full terms and  conditions of the new  issue of SDRs over  shares
and warrants  will be  decided by  the Board  of Directors  of  Metro
International following the general meeting of shareholders described
above provided that the meeting authorizes the Board of Directors  to
do so. The present intention is to be able to announce such terms and
conditions for the new issue on or around February 25th 2009.

More information regarding the contemplated rights issue is available
in the separate notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting (attached
hereto as a pdf-file) as well as in the Q4 report 2008. As set out in
the attached  notice, the  Board  of Directors  furthermore  proposes
various other resolutions to be passed at the general meeting on  the
24th February 2009. These other resolutions are primarily proposed as
a result of the upcoming new issue of SDRs over shares and  warrants,
such as the share  capital reduction down to  a share capital of  EUR
1,000,000 without cancellation of shares.

For further information please contact:

Per Mikael Jensen, CEO and President     tel: +44 (0)20 7016 1300
Anders Kronborg, CFO                     tel: +44 (0)79 125 40800


Metro is the largest international  newspaper in the world. Metro  is
published in over  100 major  cities in 20  countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young,  active, well-educated  Metropolitan audience  of
over 20 million daily readers.  Metro's advertising sales have  grown
at a  compound annual  rate of  38%  since the  launch of  the  first
edition in 1995.

Metro International 'A' and 'B' shares  are listed on the OMX  Nordic
Exchange's Nordic List under the symbols MTRO SBD A and MTRO SBD B.

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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