METabolic EXplorer (METEX) has announced that the Paris Commercial Court has today examined the offer presented by Avril to take over the activities of METEX NØØVISTAGO and part of METabolic EXplorer's commercial and R&D activities.

This offer involves the French State via Bpifrance, through its Sociétés de Projets industriels (SPI) investment fund. It was also built with the support of the Hauts-de-France Region and Amiens Métropole.

A total of 315 jobs are to be taken over under the terms of this offer.

The Court also examined the request for conversion into judicial liquidation of the receivership proceedings opened in favor of METEX NØØVISTAGO and METabolic EXplorer, which would result from the adoption of Avril's offer.

The Court's decision concerning both Avril's takeover offer and the conversion of METEX NØØVISTAGO and METabolic EXplorer into receivership is expected in July 2024.

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