MedinCell’s portfolio of long-acting injectable products progresses well. All innovative products are based on its proprietary BEPO® technology combined with active ingredients already known and marketed.

MedinCell’s portfolio includes three products at clinical stage:

  • Interim analysis of the current phase 3 clinical trials of the lead asset (mdc-IRM, maintenance treatment of schizophrenia) is expected during the second half of 2020
  • The phase 2 clinical trials of a second asset (mdc-CWM, post-operative pain and inflammation management) are ongoing
  • The third asset (mdc-TJK, antipsychotic) is in phase 1

Several candidates for clinical development are at formulation or preclinical stage. In particular, results of the ongoing studies of four programs should make it possible to select their candidate formulations in 2020: mdc-GRT, organ transplant ; mdc-WWM, contraception ; mdc-NVA, pain ; mdc-KPT, pain / animal health.

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