Are legacy applications stopping you retiring the Mainframe?

Do you run critical applications that force you to maintain your expensive mainframe systems when you want to decommission them or migrate to new technology?

Is your company exposed in having to support mainframe applications when your internal skills have been eroded?

Do you have experienced key support staff who are close to retirement?

Would you like to work with a partner who can help you address these challenges?

Maxima can help

Maxima has helped many organisations successfully migrate from the mainframe to Oracle based applications, using a proven approach to reverse engineer business logic into new applications and implement new software where appropriate.

This has enabled them to enjoy significantly reduced costs and take advantage of the latest technologies, in a low-risk, costs effective way.

The benefits of migration:

  • Focus on developing new application functionality
  • Remove expensive annual software licensing charges
  • Reduce the risks associated with the shortage of mainframe skills
  • Enjoy the lower capital and operating costs of new technologies
  • Access readily available resources for current technologies
  • Lower long-term management and operational overheads
Special Promotion

For a limited time only, Maxima is offering a no-charge mainframe migration feasibility study for your organisation.

The study will under taken by an experienced consultant, who will help you to determine the effort required to migrate your applications, suggest a product replacement strategy, identify areas of complexity, outline the potential benefits of migration and estimate project timescales based on similar projects.

To find out more click here and read how we have delivered successful migration studies for many organisations, such as a global confectionary manufacturer and one the UK's largest transport providers.

Or contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, to discuss this opportunity in more detail.

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