Mason Graphite Inc. announced the following Board and management changes, to become effective on September 1, 2020. As previously announced, Chair and interim CEO Paul R. Carmel is resigning, to become President and CEO of Sidex S.E.C. Sidex is an institutional investment fund sponsored by the government of Quebec and the Fonds de Solidarité FTQ and whose mission it is to invest in companies engaged in the mineral exploration in Quebec. Gilles Gingras, who sits on the Board of Directors since 2018, has been appointed as Chair of the Board. Leadership at the management level will be assumed by COO Jean L’Heureux until such time as a permanent CEO can be identified. Peter Damouni has been appointed as Chair of the corporate governance, nomination and compensation committee; such committee is also composed of Gaston Morin and Gilles Gingras. François Laurin will continue in his role as Chair of the Audit committee, alongside existing audit committee members Guy Chamard and Gilles Gingras.