Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. has launched and made available a high-performance biological pesticide, Zelto. Zelto is based on a non-living, novel bacterium that provides turf protection with a new mode of action for safely controlling insect pests that harm turf, such as chinch bugs, weevils and caterpillars. It was developed from MBI’s in-house discovery screening process. Zelto stops insects from developing after contact or feeding. In addition to its insecticidal properties, as shown in field trials and golf course demonstrations, Zelto is highly effective against multiple species of nematodes, including ring, root knot, cyst, sting and lance. Zelto’s natural microbial compounds control nematodes by reducing or stopping reproduction and egg hatch, and also by reducing adult and juvenile nematode numbers. Additionally, Zelto has also been shown to negatively impact the ability of nematodes to colonize or penetrate plant roots. Zelto is an easy-to-use liquid formulation and can be applied at planting and in-season through irrigation systems with no limit on the number of applications allowed per season. The formulation is flexible and easy handling for use on the teeing grounds, greens, roughs and fairways, as well as other turf and ornamental targets. Zelto is also non-toxic to mammals, fish, birds and beneficial insects.