FireEye, Inc. announced a number of new defenses that are now available on FireEye Email Security – Server Edition, in direct response to the changing cyber threat landscape. Executive names are commonly used as display names in fraudulent emails to fool employees into taking action. This new FireEye capability protects employees from display name and header spoofing. Inbound mail headers are analyzed and cross-referenced with a Riskware policy created by the administrator, and headers that do not align with the policy and/or show signs of impersonation activity can be flagged. In addition to the executive impersonation protection capabilities, FireEye Email Security – Server Edition incorporates several other new features designed to combat emerging threat vectors while enhancing performance. These include: Attachment Detonation Customization (Guest Images): There is an increasing amount of malware programmed to execute under certain circumstances to evade sandbox detection. These evasion techniques typically limit file execution to behavior relating to the target organization; Full URL Rewrite: This new security capability better protects end users from malicious links by rewriting all URLs contained in an email; Passwords in Images: In direct response to the latest attack techniques seen by FireEye incident response teams, and a rapid innovation cycle, the advanced detection Multi-Vector Virtual Execution (MVX) engine can now use passwords embedded as images within emails to analyze the related password-protected files; and New Machine Learning Engine: FireEye’s recently launched machine learning engine, MalwareGuard, is available for FireEye Email Security – Server Edition. Under development for two years, this detection engine helps defend against emerging and new threats that often bypass traditional security solutions. These new features are now available in the latest version of FireEye Email Security – Server Edition (8.2). A free email threat analysis is also available for authorized FireEye partners worldwide.