Maybank has announced the appointment of two new independent directors to its Board, namely En Nor Hizam bin Hashim and Dr. Hasnita binti Dato Hashim. En Nor Hizam, 67, is currently a Director of the Minority Shareholders' Watchdog Group (MSWG). He has 30 years working experience, including in finance, marketing and general management in three multinational companies, namely ESSO Malaysia Berhad (as accountant and financial analyst), Mamor Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Unilever Group (as Financial Controller) and Raleigh Berhad as General Manager (Finance). Encik Nor Hizam has also held various senior management positions, including Chief Operating Officer of Telekom Malaysia Berhad Group (TM), Chief Financial Officer of TELKOM SA Ltd. Dr. Hasnita binti Dato Hashim, 54, who is the second female director on the Maybank Board, brings 25 years of global financial management experience in the field of asset management, structured finance and asset securitisation. She is known to be a pioneer and innovator in Islamic finance and has extensive relationships with large investors and key business players particularly from the Gulf countries.