The board of directors of Mabpharm Limited announced that the new drug application ("NDA") of CMAB009 En Li Tuo (cetuximab b injection), a core product of the Company, was recently approved by the National Medical Products Administration of the People's Republic of China (" NMPA") for the first-line therapy for RAS/BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer (" mCRC") in combination with the FOLFIRI regimen. CMAB009 En LiTuo is the first anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody innovative new drug developed in China with independent intellectual property rights that was approved by the NMPA for first-line therapy of mCRC. CMAB009 EnLi Tuo was developed and prepared using a specific Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) expression process of the Company with an international PCT patent (PCT patent number: PCT/CN2016/070024), which has achieved significant therapeutic efficacy and superior safety, and has been fully substantiated by the results of two completed clinical trials.

At the same time, CMAB009En Li Tuo ®? is also expected to expand its indications to pancreatic cancer, head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, cervical squamous cell carcinoma and other cancers, as its administration together with a variety of small molecule drugs has tremendous potential for research and development and application in various other indications such as non-small cell lung cancer. The Group will expedite the clinical and registration work of CMAB009En LiTuo ®?

targeting the aforesaid indications. CMAB009 Enli Tuo®? (cetuximabb injection) is the third product of Mabpharm approved for marketing and is the first domestically produced anti-EGFR monoclal antibody drug with independent intellectual property for treatment of mCRC launched in the Chinese market.

CMAB009 En Tuo ®? is expected to provide affordable biological targeted remedy with better efficacy for hundreds of thousands of Chinese patients with tumors. Mabpharm focuses on the development of monoclonal antibodies and has an experienced research and development team with key members having more than 20 years of experience in antibody drug development.

Mabpharm possesses multiple core technologies, a leading large-scale antibody preparation system in China and an outstanding quality management system. Mabpharm's product pipeline currently includes several monoclonal antibody drugs, and in addition to CMAB009 En Li multi-scale antibody preparation system inChina and an outstanding quality management system". Mabpharm's product Pipeline currently includes several monoclonAL antibody drugs, and in addition To CMAB009 En Li Teo (cetoximabb injection), CMAB008 Lei Ting (infliximab injection), CMAB008 Ting (in net drug application (NDA) of CMAB009 EnLiTuo (cetiximabb injection), CMA B008 Lei Ting ("infliximab b injection), CMAB008 Lei Ting (iniximab b injection), C MAB008 Lei Ting the.