Based on the provisions of Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and applicable legislation, Luka Koper herein published the following note:

In order to evenly provide information to the interested public, the company's Management Board discloses an estimate as to the performance of the Luka Koper Group for fiscal 2013. The Group's operating revenues for 2013 are estimated at 141.7 million euros, whereas net profit is in the region of 8.2 million euros. Net profit for 2013 is again impacted by the additional impairment of real estate values, a downward re-evaluation of financial investments and a deferred tax effect in the total amount of 9.8 million euros in the last quarter of 2013. Without the additional Q4 deductions, net profit for the LK Group in 2013 would have amounted to 18.1 million euros. The net profit attributable to the parent company, Luka Koper d.d., is estimated at 4.2 million euros.

The estimate of simplified cash flow (EBITDA) was also significantly affected by the above mentioned impairments of real estate values. Last year, EBITDA amounted to 39.0 million euros, whereas without the impairments it would have amounted to 47.3 million euros.Group's operating profit (EBIT) estimated at 10.9 million euros; without impairments it would have amounted to 19.2 million euros.

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