24 February 2012


2011 saw Ludowici build upon its strong position in the global minerals processing business, and demonstrated
the Company's commitment to expanding its business through both organic and acquisitive growth initiatives.

Record earnings on stable revenue

Ludowici generated revenues of $219.7 million in 2011 - in line with the 2010 full year result. Given the termination of an exclusive Chinese distribution agreement in late 2010 that accounted for circa $22 million revenue that financial year, this result was an excellent outcome. Following termination of this agreement, Ludowici has a substantial opportunity to build a stronger and more sustainable business in China - a key growth area for the business.
Post the termination of the above mentioned Chinese distribution agreement; on a stable revenue base the
Company generated a record 2011 EBITDA of $26.4 million compared to $25.6 million in 2010.

Successful Company-wide improvement program

Over the past four years Ludowici has embarked on a company-wide improvement program. It gives me great pleasure to update you on the extensive progress that has been made.
A main area of focus over the past few years has been growing revenues from the sale of consumables and spares. In 2011 the Company generated circa 65% of its revenue from the sale of consumable and aftermarket products - providing a stable revenue stream. The significant growth in this business was enhanced by the acquisition of several value adding businesses.
As part of the improvement program Ludowici has actively pursued value creating acquisitions, particularly in the mineral processing consumables area. In August 2011 Ludowici announced the acquisition of Meshcape Industries - a South African based supplier to the mining sector. The integration of the acquisition into Ludowici's consumables business is well underway, and has made a substantial contribution to the business over the past three months.
The acquisition of Meshcape provides us with an opportunity to build our presence in the African region - one of the world's fastest growing resource regions with several new resource projects being established. This acquisition reflects the Company's strategy to develop a geographically balanced portfolio of capital and consumables businesses.
Another initiative undertaken during the year as part of the company-wide improvement program was an investment in the Company's manufacturing facilities, with the commissioning of a new production facility in Chennai, India, and commitment to a production facility in Qingdao, China. As well as lowering our global unit cost base, these investments establish a presence in key Asian hubs reflecting Ludowici's strategic focus in expanding its global footprint in high growth markets.
Expanding Ludowici's global footprint has diversified the Company's revenue base and customer base. Ludowici
is now a truly global supplier to the domestic and global mineral processing industries.

Innovative technology

Ludowici's revolutionary patented Reflux Classifier separation technology is establishing a strong market position as the preferred technology globally for coal and mineral processing. The technology continues to receive strong industry endorsement demonstrated by the two significant sales orders announced in December 2011. The product is also making significant in-roads into 'non-coal' markets, helping to build a sustainable and diverse customer base for the technology. The Reflux Classifier is an example of Ludowici's collaborative approach to research and development. On this occasion our partner is the University of Newcastle.

Well-funded, with a strong balance sheet

In July 2011 Ludowici successfully raised approximately net $10.1 million via a rights issue to institutional and retail shareholders. The raising was used to facilitate the Company's global expansion aspirations with funds contributing towards the capital expenditure on the Chennai and Qingdao facilities, as well as the acquisition of Meshcape Industries. Ludowici continues to maintain a strong balance sheet, with net gearing stable at 33.9%.

Increased dividend

Your Directors have declared a fully franked final dividend for 2011 of 11 cents per share. This dividend will be paid on 9 May 2012, and brings the total dividend for 2011 to 21 cents per share, which represents an increase of
5% on the previous year. The dividend reinvestment plan for the 2011 final dividend has been suspended.

Offers validate Ludowici's growth strategy

As you will be aware, on 23 January 2012, global engineering company FLSmidth made an offer to acquire all of the issued capital in Ludowici for $7.20 per share and on 10 February 2012 the Board advised that a counter offer had been made by the Weir Group PLC for $7.92 per share. On 13 February 2012, The Weir Group PLC lodged an application with the Takeovers Panel in relation to statements made by FLS in relation to its proposal. On
16 February 2012, Ludowici Limited announced that it had received an amended offer from FLS for $10.00 per share and that it had entered into a Scheme Implementation Agreement with FLS which is subject to and will not become binding until the proceedings in the Takeovers Panel are determined (the "Transaction"). Accordingly the proposed increase in price above FLSmidth's initial proposal will not proceed if the Takeovers Panel makes
orders which have the effect that such proposal cannot proceed.
The Board unanimously resolved that subject to the Scheme Implementation Agreement becoming binding, the proposed Transaction was in the best interests of shareholders and to recommend that shareholders approve the proposed Transaction, subject to there being no superior offer and an independent expert concluding that the Transaction is in the best interest of shareholders. Refer to the ASX or Ludowici websites for full announcement details and terms & conditions. If the transaction proceeds, the Board expects completion to occur in June 2012.
On 23 February 2012, Ludowici Limited announced that it had received a revised Competing Proposal from Weir at a price of $10.00 cash per Ludowici share, the same price as the FLSmidth proposal announced on
16 February 2012.
Under the proposal, Weir (or a nominee) will acquire all of Ludowici's shares for $10.00 cash per share (less any dividends declared or paid by Ludowici before the transaction is completed) by way of Scheme of Arrangement ("Weir Proposal"). The Weir Proposal is conditional on the Takeovers Panel making a decision to the effect that FLSmidth cannot offer, or propose to pay, Ludowici shareholders more than $7.20 per share whether for a specified period or otherwise.
The Board of Ludowici acknowledged receipt of the Weir Proposal and noted that it was on similar terms and conditions and at the same price as the recommended offer by FLSmidth but expires at 5.00pm Friday
24 February 2012.
The Board will keep you informed of developments as they unfold.


Ludowici's pleasing results and continued successful strategy execution reflects the hard work of all of the Company's people. On behalf of the board I would like to thank Patrick Largier, the senior executive team, and all of the staff for their continued dedication and hard work.
Yours sincerely,

Phil Arnall
