Lerado Group (Holding) Company Limited announced that Mr. Chern Shyh Feng (Mr. Chern) has been appointed as an independent non-executive director and a member of each of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the company with effect from February 6, 2015. Mr. Chern is the founder and Chairman of Paralink Asset Management Asia Limited. Mr. Chern has extensive experience in banking, finance and accounting and held executive positions at several international financial institutions and listed companies.

The Board of the company announced that Mr. Huang Zhi Wei (Mr. Huang) has resigned as an independent non-executive director and a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the company with effect from February 6, 2015 as he would like to devote more time to his personal commitments. Mr. Huang confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no circumstances related to his resignation which need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company.