January 7, 2013
Company Name: Leopalace21 Corporation
Representative: Eisei Miyama, President and CEO
Code Number: 8848 (Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section) Contact: Bunya Miyao, General Manager
Public Relations Office
Tel: +81-3-5350-0216

(Correction) Notice Concerning Approval for Exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights (with option to reset strike price) issued through Third Party Allotment (Target Issue Program "TIP" subject to Issuer's approval for exercise)

Leopalace21 announces the following corrections on the "Notice Concerning Approval for Exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights (with option to reset strike price) issued through Third Party Allotment (Target Issue Program "TIP" subject to Issuer's approval for exercise)" announced on January 7, 2013. Corrected parts are marked with an underline.

Before corrections:
Period during which SARs
3. may be exercised
Within 20 business days of the notification date of approval forexercise (January 7, 2013 to February 4, 2013)

After corrections:
Period during which SARs
3. may be exercised
Within 20 business days of the date of approval for exercise
(January 7, 2013 to February 4, 2013)

This translation is prepared for information purposes only. In the event of any inconsistency, the original

terms in Japanese language should prevail.


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