Group A/S has now completed the process of recruiting a new CEO, and announced that Carsten Rysgaard will start as CEO for the Group on January 1, 2020. Carsten Rysgaard has a strong background and a successful track record within companies built on strong digital solutions combined with strong concepts and commercial acumen. He has many years of experience in leadership positions driving strategic transformations, executing strategies and delivering strong results. He comes from a position as CEO for EDC-Gruppen, where he has been heading the digital transformation and driving sales focus in a business that relies on attracting sellers, and linking relevant properties to buyers through digital platforms. Before this, Carsten Rysgaard has built a career in among others TDC, Berlingske Medier and Den Blå Avis, and has held positions in Digital advisory boards for Topdanmark and Nykredit, as well as Board memberships in Robinhus A/S and Boligsiden A/S.