Lattice Semiconductor Corporation announced an agreement with Krassin Consulting GmbH to establish the Lattice Education Competence Center (LEC2), a comprehensive training center. The LEC2 will provide Lattice’s customers and partners with the hands-on product training and application design expertise needed to get Lattice-based solutions to market quickly and easily. Focused solely on low-power Lattice FPGAs and award-winning solutions stacks, the LEC2 will help customers design and implement solutions for the industrial, automotive, communications, and computing markets. First-hand knowledge is increasingly essential for the successful implementation of new technologies. Only well-trained engineers can cope with the design demands placed on them in the time allotted. The LEC2 will help customers and partners train their engineers and technicians to be experts in the use of Lattice FPGAs and solutions stacks to address their design challenges. The LEC2 uses an extensive and structured training program covering the entire development process – from initial application concept to physical implementation. The structured training program is offered in different formats (on-line, in-person, and pre-recorded webinars) that engineers can choose from based on their specific needs.