Landbay Inc. announced on April 23, 2024 (the ?Closing Date?), the Board appointed Mr. Chunyang Liu as CEO with immediate effect. Chunyang Liu (Age 49), born in 1975, graduated with a Bachelor?s degree in International Economics and Trade from Nankai University. He served as the legal representative of Dongyang City Yunda Express Co.

Ltd. from 2002 to 2024, the legal representative of Zhejiang Qingke Cloud Network Technology Co. Ltd. from 2014 to 2024, and the legal representative of Zhejiang Xinsheng New Media Group Co. Ltd. from 2023 to 2024.

With a diverse background spanning the logistics, liquor, supply chain technology services, and network technology industries, Liu has accumulated extensive experience in industry operations, digital technologies, resource integration, and investment. Leveraging his solid industrial foundation and forward-thinking approach, he is actively involved in building Xinsheng Media Group. The group is dedicated to staying at the forefront of AI development, particularly in the livestream e-commerce sector.

Its vision is to serve as a talent incubator within the industry and reshape its development trajectory.