ViaSat Inc. and Harris Corp. have completed demonstrations of the upgraded Small Tactical Terminal (STT) KOR-24A in combination with the Harris high-band power amplifier for extended air to ground range operation of both Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) and Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform C (ANW2C). The demonstrations were held in San Diego at the ViaSat facility in Carlsbad and in Huntsville at Redstone Arsenal in early December.

The two-channel STT provides simultaneous 63-watt Link 16 and 50-watt SRW communications in a software-defined radio. The STT, the first and only fully-certified, two-channel, Link 16 and VHF/UHF radio, includes a range of software-defined VHF/UHF military radio and Link 16 functions. The terminal is available now to meet program needs for quick turnaround and delivery of units and was recently selected for Apache AH64E Lots 4 and 5. At only 16 pounds, the STT/KOR-24A terminal reduces the size, weight, and power of tactical data link equipment.

Applications include rotary wing and light aircraft, small boats, UAVs, and for ground forces including vehicles and a wide variety of ‘shelterized' communication nodes.