January 28, 2019, The concerned shareholders of the Kuuhubb Inc., led by Marco Durante have requisitioned a special meeting of Company’s shareholders for the purpose of replacing the entire board of directors of the Company with new directors capable of fixing the staggering value destruction at the hands of the current CEO, Jouni Keränen, and overseen by the Board of the Company. Marco Durante stated that the current board consisting of Jouni Keränen, Christian Kolster, Carl-Gustaf von Troil, Philip Chen, Maurice Colson, and Arnold Kondrat has presided over a period of dramatic destruction of shareholder value and has shown no ability or plan to turn things around. Further, Marco Durante stated that the only pragmatic choice is to install a completely new and independent board consisting of 5 independent, qualified, skilled and experienced directors who bring significant industry, operational, public company, governance, financial and legal expertise to the Company. The nominees are as follows: Richard Lachcik, Jon Walsh, Christopher Locke, Amit Khanduja, and Pasi Jokinen.