Wet your whistle for Simfest: Hobby Edition as Klabater authentically recreates the craft and job of the American Moonshiner with streams and a demo for Moonshine Inc.

Klabater invites players to dive back into Moonshine Inc. as dev streams and the free demo join SimFest: Hobby Edition from March 28th to April 4th!



Ferment & Distill Moonshine

Moonshine Inc. lets players harness the real chemistry behind moonshine distillation to create mind blowing batches of booze for the thirsty masses suffering from sobriety! Featuring a rich distilling and fermentation system created in collaboration with Dr. Andrzej Zywocinski from the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Moonshine Inc. aims to authetically recreate the craft and life of a real American moonshiner.

Build a Business Empire

Manage your employees and delivery network to produce and sell thousands of liters of moonshine! With management systems created in collaboration with Dr. Marcin Wardaszko of Kozminski University who has published papers on game design and business simulations, you'll have to strategically build your fledgling moonshine business into an empire, one batch at a time.

Evade the Authorities

Developed specifically for the game, The Red Flag Police system intelligently controls the behavior of the local police and federal agents. They're waiting for you to slip up so keep your head down and the booze brewing as you buy, expand, and upgrade your illegal, hidden bases across a huge map.

For further information, key requests, media and interviews contact:

PR Agency, The Game Marketer: klabater@thegamemarketer.com


Moonshine Inc. | Press Kit

Moonshine Inc. | Steam

Moonshine Inc. | Official Websites

Moonshine Inc. Announcement Trailer | YouTube

Moonshine Inc. | Twitter

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