The conference was attended by approximately 60 representatives of leading international, Central Asian and local companies in various industries, the largest producers of packing, NGO activists, professors of Kazakhstani universities and representative of a public authority.

Temirlan Mamiev, head of the Almaty regional Inspectorate of forestry and wildlife world opened the conference with the report about the conservation of forest resources through recycling. Representatives of large international companies in Kazakhstan shared their experience of recycling and re-using of packaging. Almaz Ryskalov, Director of the Department on corrugated card production of Kagazy Recycling LLP described the new project "Green Box"- innovative cardboard wrapper, consisting entirely of recycled paper with no added pulp. By now, product have acquired vogue among large Kazakhstani companies. Birgir Magnusson,  designer of Microsoft Phones Design, entrusted with the secrets of design that doing packing more ecological.

General Director of JSC Kazakhstan Kagazy, Tomas Thomas Werner, one of the organizers of the conference said about new serious challenges facing modern business in connection with transit to green economy.

"In view of the Government's plan for the transition to green economy, in front of Kazakhstan's business is not an easy challenge: minimize the negative influence on the environment, without incurring losses. Within the framework of the conference, we wanted to share innovations in packaging that would promote decision this problem", - said Thomas Mateos Werner.

In turn, the Director of the Regional Office of the Forest Stewardship Council for CIS countries, Andreiy Ptichnikov said that voluntary forest certification is important tool for preservation of biodiversity. It is widely use in the CIS and in the West, but is almost never use in Central Asia.  The speaker noted that the conference has promote to inform the public about the significance of forest certification. 

"In conditions of a dynamic changing market and the ever increasing relevance of "green"perspective, it is important to pay particular attention to the issues of ecology. Successful businesses cannot stay simply in the side", - commented Olga Ivanova, Department's Manager of environmental protection RUBECA Tetrapak.

Hosts of Conference were Kagazy Recycling LLP, Tetrapak RUBECA, Forest Stewardship Council FSC, as well as Kazakhstan's Green Building Council (KazGBC).

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