Sir Tony Baldry, The Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan Kagazy PLC, commented on the President's State of the Nation address: "The Path to the Future". 

"I have now had an opportunity of reading the President's State of the Nation address: "The Path to the Future".

The President's state of the nation address is a robust and realistic assessment of Kazakhstan's economy and sets out a clear vision and direction.

In particular the President and the Government of Kazakhstan are to be complimented on seeking to ensure that the windfall income generated by oil and gas exports are invested in ways which ensure the economy of Kazakhstan can have greater resistance to any external shocks and invested to ensure that Kazakhstan can become self-sufficient by 2050 as indigenous oil and gas stocks decline.

Clearly it has been sensible for the Kazakh government to invest in economic growth and creating jobs.

The international community will come to Kazakhstan in 2017 to enjoy Expo-2017 but also to celebrate the achievements of Kazakhstan as one of the best emerging economies.

UK public companies such as Kagazy continue to invest in Kazakhstan because we believe in the future of Kazakhstan. We are particularly keen to help the Government meet the targets of their agenda for sustainable development and hope that we can encourage other green and recycling companies and technologies to come and invest in Kazakhstan.

We are proud to be working in Kazakhstan and we are proud to be supporting growth and the creation of jobs in Kazakhstan", wrote Sir Tony Baldry in the email to the Kazakh Embassy in London.

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