KCP Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd. announced production and sales results for the month and year to date ended December 31, 2016. For the month, the company's sugar production was 104,219 qtls. Molasses production was 5,997.800 tons. Power production was 654,958.2 million kwh. Industrial alcohol production was 699,802 bl. Ethanol production was 663,750 bl. Bio-fertilizer production was 137.20 qtls. Bio-composite production was 1,144.900 tons. Mycorrhiza production was 7.300 tons. Calcium lactate production was 9.000 tons.

For the year-to-date, the company reported production of sugar was 200,226 qtls, molasses was 12,297.950 tons, power was 1,213,238.2 million kwh, industrial alcohol was 7,198,738 bl, ethanol was 6,078,750 bl, bio-fertilizer was 2,241.72 qtls, bio-composite was 14,287.210 tons, mycorrhiza was 73.267 tons and calcium lactate was 238.402.

For month company reported sales of sugar was 743,018 qtls, molasses was 3,943.520 tons, power was 238,576.0 million kwh, industrial alcohol was 10,000 bl, ethanol was 420,000 bl, bio-fertilizer was 247.50 qtls, bio-composite was 1,493.540 tons, mycorrhiza was 1.865 tons and calcium lactate was 15.125.

For the year-to-date, the company reported sales of sugar was 755,343 qtls, molasses was 35,871 tons, power was 422,082.9 million kwh, industrial alcohol was 36,573 bl, ethanol was 5,681,750 bl, bio-fertilizer was 1,098.90 qtls, bio-composite was 14,106.729 tons, mycorrhiza was 24.638 tons and calcium lactate was 254.085.