The Board of Jiangnan Group Limited announced that Mr. Hao Minghui retired as an executive Director at the AGM and ceased to be a member of the Corporate Governance Committee with effect from the conclusion of the AGM; and with effect from 27 May 2019, Ms. Xia Yafang, an executive Director, was appointed as a member of the Corporate Governance Committee. The Board also announced that resolution numbered 2(b) in the AGM Notice regarding the re-election of Mr. Poon Yick Pang Philip as a Director was not passed at the AGM since there was not a majority of votes cast for such resolution. Accordingly, Mr. Poon Yick Pang Philip has retired as an independent non-executive Director and ceased to be the chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of each of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee with effect from the conclusion of the AGM.