Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. announced non-consolidated earnings results for third quarter ended Sept. 30, 2016. For the quarter, the company reported net sales of ¥1,154 million, operating loss of ¥198 million, ordinary loss of ¥200 million, net loss of ¥203 million or ¥5.02 diluted per share, loss before income taxes of ¥200.8 million compared to the net sales of ¥956 million, operating loss of ¥605 million, ordinary loss of ¥594 million, net loss of ¥597 million or ¥14.72 diluted per share, loss before income taxes of ¥594.5 million for the same quarter a year ago.

For the year ending March 31, 2017, the company forecasted net sales of ¥2,098 million, operating income of ¥11 million, ordinary income of ¥10 million, net income of ¥5 million or ¥0.14 diluted per share.