Jackstones, Inc. announced that at its AGM held on 10 June 2024, the shareholders approved election of Santos Chua Tan and William Wong Tiu as directors of the company. The organizational meeting also held on 10 June 2024, the board of directors elected and appointed a new set of officers during the organizational meeting. The offers elected and appointed as follows: Aleta So Tanenglian as chairman of the board; Mariano Chua Tanenglian as vice chairman of the board; Charlane S. Sancio as compliance officer; Jemimah Christian R. Solomon as Assistant Chief information officer; Ramtrina Marie C. Adrias as Assistant Chief information officer.

Audit Committee: Chairman-William Chong Lee (Independent Director); Members: Santos Chua Tan (Independent Director); William Wong Tiu (Independent Director); Aleta So Tanenglian. The Audit Committee also serve as the related party committee and the risk management committee of the company. Corporate Governance Committee: Chairman-William Wong Tiu (Independent Director); Members: William Chong Lee (Independent Director); Santos Chua Tan (Independent Director); Maximillian So Tanenglian.