Berlin, 16.01.13 IVU.suite ensures efficient public urban transport Budapest is the latest major city to modernise its public transport system in response to the continually growing demands for urban mobility. The public transport company Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) has plans to introduce a new integrated opera-tional control and passenger information system for the capital city's bus and tram network. The appropriate fleet management and passenger information systems are being supplied by IVU Traffic Technologies AG, which is already ensuring uninter-rupted mobility and up-to-the-minute travel information in other major cities such as Berlin, London, Vienna, and Zurich.

The new systems will already be going into operation in Budapest in spring 2013. The limited two-way radio connections used in the past will be replaced by UMTS technology, and modern communications procedures will be introduced for all the various types of vehicles in operation. In the past, the personnel in the control centre had to rely on information provided by the drivers about the position of their vehicle and current traffic conditions, but in future it will be possible to visualise real-time data from buses, trolley buses and trams on map displays and the situation will be automatically monitored by the operational control system IVU.fleet. In addition, a disturbance management system will ensure that the operational controllers are able to respond much more quickly in the event of disturbances and can organise replacement services more easily. IVU.fleet presents them with a comprehensive package of dispatching options with which the effects of operational disturbances can be minimised. The variety of vehicles deployed in Budapest has presented a special challenge for IVU's engineers. They have had to integrate a wide range of hardware components from vehicles of various ages and construction types. In all, some 1,500 buses, 150 trolley buses, and 600 trams are being fitted out with the new technology.

New features are also being introduced for Budapest's passengers. At the key stops and stations they will be informed about the latest departure times of the buses, trams and trains. Digital information displays are being installed at some 250 stops and public transport nodes, and these will be supplied by IVU.realtime with data coming directly from the control centre. In addition, IVU.realtime will also provide data via interfaces for other applications on the Internet and for smartphone users.

"Major cities all over the world are facing considerable logistical challenges", explains Dr Helmut Bergstein, Member of the Executive Board of IVU AG. "Within a very short period, entire transport networks must be modernised and their performance enhanced. In Berlin, London, Vienna, and Zurich we have already demonstrated what the mobility of the future can look like. I am pleased that, with Budapest, a further major city has chosen to introduce our IVU.suite".

IVU is carrying out this project together with Synergon, the Hungarian services company for information technology and system integration, which has overall responsibility as general contractor. 

Madlen Dietrich
Corporate Communications 
IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Bundesallee 88, 12161 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 85906-386
E-mail: Madlen.Dietrich(at)

IVU Traffic Technologies AG has been working for more than thirty-five years with some 350 software engineers to ensure that transport in the world's major cities operates reliably and on time. People and vehicles in expanding cities are continually on the move - a logistical challenge which calls for intelligent and reliable software systems. The standardised software products of the IVU.suite and tailor-made IT solutions are used to plan, optimise and control the scheduling of vehicle fleets and personnel. Other systems support the choice of branch locations or ensure that election results are determined correctly.
IVU. Systems for vibrant cities.

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