Actian Corporation today announced that IsCool Entertainment, a European leader in social gaming applications on Facebook and the French number one, has selected Vectorwise as its engine for business intelligence. Actian's blazing fast business intelligence database will accelerate analysis of high volumes of user data, driving customer retention and new business opportunities.

Social gaming on Facebook is booming. It is estimated that the amount spent on such games will hit more than $6 billion globally this year and over $8.5 billion by 2015*. IsCool Entertainment offers creative and innovative games to a community of 1,290,000 MAUs (Monthly Active Users). It uses business intelligence to provide this burgeoning market a richer, personal gaming experience, driven by real-time information.

With Vectorwise, IsCool Entertainment can analyze online gamers' activity and social behavior. It then provides rewards, generates leaderboards and delivers virtual prizes, in order to enhance customer engagement and retention. Marketing intelligence is also provided on demand, bringing promotional opportunities to partners based on user patterns and behavior.

IsCool Entertainment's business intelligence software technology is based in the cloud in order to provision the power of Vectorwise in a cost effective manner. IsCool Entertainment can scale up or down, depending on its needs at a particular moment without having to invest in a large, onsite server estate.

"Our success is measured by the quality of experience we provide our gamers on Facebook," explains Florian Douetteau, CTO, IsCool Entertainment. "We're using Vectorwise to investigate consumer behavior to better understand what makes our users play, interact and recommend. Fast and actionable business analytics from Vectorwise will allow us to deliver tailored offers to our customers and advertising partners, and thus improve monetization of the games we develop."

"IsCool is a part of a growing number of data-driven businesses using Vectorwise to extract value from user behaviour," concluded Steve Shine, CEO, Actian. "These digital stars live and die by their ability to view, analyze and monetize user's information. As data is increasingly viewed as an organization's crown jewels, our customers are turning to Vectorwise to power data engine. Vectorwise is emerging as the go-to technology for nimble, data centric companies such as IsCool Entertainment."

* Source: Social Network Games: Casual Games Sector Report 2012

About IsCool Entertainment

IsCool Entertainment is one of the European leaders in social gaming. With over ten years of expertise in the publishing and distribution of casual games, IsCool Entertainment has established itself today as the French number 1 in the social applications market on Facebook. The company offers a catalog of original, innovative games that create strong social relationships including the famous IsCool and Belote Multiplayer. Our games bring together 2.8 million of fans who leave around 500,000 comments and likes on our fanpages each month. IsCool Entertainment, it's also more than 1 billion of cool points that are sent every day. IsCool Entertainment is listed on NYSE ALTERNEXT: ALISC

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About Actian

About Actian: Take Action on Big Data

Actian Corporation enables organizations to transform Big Data into Business Value with data management solutions to transact, analyze, and take automated action across their business operations. Actian is the first to unveil a cloud development platform for building Action Apps, lightweight consumer-style applications that automate actions triggered by real-time changes in data to deliver actionable business intelligence. Actian also incites action for 10,000 customers worldwide with Vectorwise, the world's fastest and most cost-effective analytical database, and Ingres, the only independent mission-critical OLTP database. Actian is headquartered in California with offices in New York, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Melbourne. Stay connected with Actian Corporation on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Actian, Cloud Action Platform, Action Apps, Ingres and Vectorwise are trademarks of Actian Corporation. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

Atomic PR for Actian
Dean Rodgers, + 1-415-593-1400
IsCool Entertainment
Stéphanie Bonnet, +33 1 42 73 74 11
Communications Manager