Intermec, Inc. (NYSE: IN) today announced that World Vision, a global Christian humanitarian organization that provides humanitarian aid to approximately 12-15 million people each year through relief assistance, has deployed the Intermec CN50 handheld mobile computers for use in aid distribution efforts around the globe. Paired with World Vision's "Last Mile Mobile Solutions" (LMMS) software system, the CN50 has helped World Vision achieve up to 90 percent in improved time savings for in-field operations.

Previously using manual systems, LMMS and the Intermec CN50 are now utilized to scan beneficiary ID cards for aid distribution in countries across the world. Once IDs are scanned, World Vision is able to develop a master list of all beneficiaries and track exactly what items they received and in what quantity - in real time.

As a result of the new technology solution, beneficiaries receive aid faster and more efficiently compared to previous manual systems. World Vision has saved at least 50 percent in business process time savings, but more recently up to 90 percent in some cases as the technology was further leveraged across multiple projects in the field.

Other results include:

  • Faster verification. Intermec and LMMS have been able to achieve a 60 percent improvement in the time required to verify beneficiaries
  • Improved processing time. One individual can now process aid for 1,000 households in a single working day, which previously took more than a full working week
  • Reduced wait times for beneficiaries. Wait times for beneficiaries to receive aid have decreased to 2-3 hours from up to a full day.

"Technology is not going to eradicate the underlying cause of human suffering and poverty, but it is an enabler for us to conduct operations more effectively," said Jay Narhan, Team Leader, Applied Technology & Product Development, World Vision International. "The cameras on the Intermec CN50s have allowed us to better verify our beneficiaries, and paired with the long battery life as well as the ruggedness of the actual devices themselves, the CN50 provided everything we needed in one convenient solution."

To view a full video case study detailing World Vision's use of LMMS and the Intermec CN50 in the field, visit:

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About Intermec

Intermec Inc. (NYSE:IN) is the workflow performance company. We design the leading data capture and information management solutions at the interface between mobile workers, assets, and customers. For more information about Intermec, visit or call 800-347-2636

About World Vision

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, we are dedicated to working with the world's most vulnerable people. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. To learn more, visit

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Traci Hoch, 631-657-3413