Infosys Ltd. announced the launch of AssistEdge, a unique product that transforms contact centers to deliver an integrated and seamless cross-channel experience to its customers. The product's distinctive context-passing capability, patented self-care technology and intuitive dashboard helps enhance customer experience and boost agent productivity, both of which are persistent challenges for the call center industry. According to various industry reports, customers say that having to repeat their problems as their query is passed across multiple agents, is the most frustrating aspect of dealing with contact centers.

This is further magnified when switching across traditional and new media channels. Using an innovative context-passing capability, AssistEdge integrates the customer history from various channels and presents it to a call center agent within a single window dashboard. This distinct capability enables faster query resolution and helps companies significantly reduce average call handling time.

AssistEdge empowers customers to resolve issues by themselves through a powerful self-care engine. Equipped with interactive text, visual and video troubleshooting mechanisms, it also offers recommendations from relevant social forums and communities for peer-to-peer assistance. This helps significantly reduce contact center call volumes.

Early deployment at a Fortune 500 company has delivered; faster query resolution reducing average call handling time by up to 50%; reduced contact center call volumes by as much as 25%; estimated annual savings of over 255; payback in less than three months.