Infobird Co. Ltd. announced that it aims to transform how dental practices engage with patients throughout the whole customer journey. Infobird's provides software solutions that digitize and improve existing customer engagement processes that are core to many medical practices and allows medical professionals to focus their efforts on providing high quality health care, resulting in great experiences for patients.

In order to quickly expand the Company's market opportunities, Infobird's go-to-market strategy focuses on certain strategical vertical industries such as retail and healthcare. In the healthcare industry, the Company has targeted the dental industry as one of the strategic sectors for growth and has since won business with many domestic leading dental brands. With the rapid rise of the dental industry in China and the strong foundation established by the Company in the past year, Infobird expects to grow its market share and influence in this industry.

As a service scenario that attaches great importance to the offline person to person experience of customers, dental services are a personalized and customized service led by doctors. Many dental procedures can be complex and require several visits. Therefore, providing personalized service with the help of digital customer engagement is the key to long-term customer retention as well as the ability to attract new customers.

However, the dental service's business process tends to be rather complex. From pre-diagnosis consultation, in-diagnosis service to post-diagnosis care, each process can involve a large number of service personnel and complex operations. Therefore, dental practices face many challenges, such as the inability to distinguish customer lead resources, low conversion rates, inconsistent service experience, and untimely follow-up.

In response to the needs of the dental industry, Infobird offers digital customer engagement solutions to help dental offices target three major scenarios: marketing, customer service and management.