INES Corp. reported consolidated earnings results for the nine months ended December 31, 2016. For the period, the company reported consolidated net sales of ¥26,039 million, operating income of ¥970 million, ordinary income of ¥1,015 million and net income attributable to owners of parent of ¥568 million or ¥21.03 net income per share against net sales of ¥25,953 million, operating income of ¥639 million, ordinary income of ¥685 million and net income attributable to owners of parent of ¥611 million or ¥19.80 net income per share for the same period of last year. Income before income taxes was ¥1,005 million compared to ¥833 a year ago. Net cash provided by operating activities was ¥6,470 million against ¥3,001 million for the same period of the previous fiscal year. Purchases of property, plant and equipment were amounted to ¥702 million against ¥432 million a year ago. Purchase of intangible assets was ¥293 million against ¥166 million a year ago.

For the year ending March 31, 2017, the company expects to pay fiscal year-end dividend of ¥8 per share compared to ¥8 per share paid in the same period ago.

For the year ending March 31, 2017, the company expects revenue of ¥40,000 million, operating income of ¥2,400 million, ordinary income of ¥2,400 million and net income attributable to owners of parent of ¥1,500 million or ¥57.46 per share.