• Entrepreneuring Is Possible is a meeting point between entrepreneurs and possible funders that offers a global vision of the entrepreneurial cycle as well as useful applications for defining a business idea
  • Aside from Indra, which is a member of the Foundation's board of trustees, the project also involves the collaboration of Adrián Latorre, a young entrepreneur, the Ministry of Industry's DGIPYME, CEAJE, the Government of Catalonia and Novagroup
  • The Confederación Española de Junior Empresas (CEJE, the Spanish Confederation of Junior Companies) has given Indra the "Award for Supporting Entrepreneurial Culture" thanks to its contributions to the Prince of Girona Foundation's "Entrepreneuring Is Possible"

The Prince of Girona Foundation (FPdGI) has launched the "Entrepreneuring Is Possible" portal, a platform that provides personalised assistance and guidance to entrepreneurs, which has been launched with the collaboration and leadership of Indra, which has developed the platform and is a member of the Foundation's board of trustees.

The portal is aimed at entrepreneurs of all areas: social, cultural, educational, environmental, technological, athletic, artistic, etc., as well as the professionals and agents who promote the entrepreneurial spirit, with the aim of facilitating the creation of new innovative projects in all industries.

The initiative emerged from the commitment established in the 2011 Impulsa Forum between the young entrepreneur Adrián Latorre, and the president of Indra, Javier Monzón, as well as the Prince of Girona Foundation's involvement, to create a "reference website for entrepreneurs." Today, the website is a reality at the address http://www.emprenderesposible.org.

"Entrepreneuring Is Possible" is a collaborative platform that is open, simple, flexible and useful for all entrepreneurs, and its objective is to offer information as well as a global and unified vision of the "entrepreneurial cycle", combining and collaborating with existing initiatives.

Aside from offering information, it allows entrepreneurs to access tools for defining an idea and developing a business plan based on a methodological model (specifically, the Canvas method). It facilitates transforming the idea into a business plan in a natural and guided manner.

The platform is a meeting point and an area for collaboration between entrepreneurs, as well as between entrepreneurs and possible funders. In fact, it has a marketplace that favours the co-creation of initiatives based on similar business ideas and makes it easier for entrepreneurs to meet business angels or potential investors.

The portal's characteristics also include a monitoring and coaching service that aims to extend the business beyond its initial plans, such as by supporting its internationalisation.

The Prince of Girona Foundation's "Entrepreneuring Is Possible" platform has been possible thanks to Indra's leadership, Adrián Latorre's contributions as well as the collaborations of the DGIPYME (Ministry of Industry), CEAJE, the Government of Catalonia and Novagroup.

Award from the Confederación Española de Junior de Empresas (Spanish Confederation of Junior Companies)

The Confederación Española de Junior Empresas (CEJE, Spanish Confederation of Junior Companies) has recognised Indra's commitment by granting the 2012 Award for Supporting University Entrepreneurial Culture thanks to its contribution to and development of the Prince of Girona Foundation's "Entrepreneuring Is Possible". CEJE has highlighted the platform's value in "promoting the entrepreneurial spirit in a university setting."

The award was given at a ceremony that took place on 22 November in Madrid and included the presence of Injuve's director, Rubén Urosa, the president of the Confederación Española de Jóvenes Empresarios (CEAJE, Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs), David Alba, and the president of CEJE, Ismael Novo. David Pascual, the director of Institutional Development of Innovation, received the award on behalf of Indra.

Indra and entrepreneurs

Innovation is present in Indra's DNA; it is the core of its sustainability as a company and the differentiating key for its offering of solutions and services. In an open innovation model, Indra searches for and promotes innovation and talent internally as well as through its relations with customers, partners, vendors, universities and knowledge institutions, as well as with society in general. Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit is an essential part of this model in order to create a more innovative ecosystem, which is the basis of the knowledge economy.

Indra has shown its commitment to entrepreneuring through specific projects such as the global contest of open innovation, "Think about Innovating", which was launched by the multinational in 2011 to identify and support new entrepreneurial ideas based on technology. Indra also supports other initiatives such as the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid's Business Creation Competition known as "ActúaUPM", or the Banesto Foundation's Yuzz Programme, among others.

Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 million, and 55% of its revenue is currently from international markets. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

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