The board of directors of Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited announced that with effect from 20 August 2018, Ms. Cai Lingli (Ms. Cai) has resigned as an executive Director of the Company and ceased to be the chairperson of the executive committee of the Board (the Executive Committee') and the authorized representative (Authorized Representative) of the Company for the purpose of Rule 3.05 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Stock Exchange) (the Listing Rules').Considering that the business of the Group has been growing and the current management is capable of leading further development of the Group, Ms. Cai wishes to devote additional time to her family and other personal business commitments. Ms. Cai has confirmed that she had no disagreement with the Board and there was no matter in relation to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company (Shareholders') or the Stock Exchange. The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to Ms. Cai for her valuable contributions to the Group during her tenure of office. The Board further announced that following the resignation of Ms. Cai, Ms. Xia Yuki Yu (Ms. Xia), an executive Director, was appointed as chairperson of the Board and Executive Committee and an Authorized Representative with effect from 20 August 2018. Ms. Xia Yuki Yu has been appointed as an executive Director of the Company with effect from 21 November 2013. She is also a director of a few key subsidiaries of the company. She has over fifteen years of experience in the public relation and marketing industry. Before joining the Group, Ms. Xia held executive positions in various enterprise groups operating in the gaming industry. There is no service contract between the Company and Ms. Xia. She is subject to retirement by rotation at least once every three years and in accordance with the Bye-Laws of the company.