Following reports that former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is mulling an Independent presidential run, a new survey from Fluent, LLC, an IDI company (NYSE MKT: IDI), an industry leader in people-based digital marketing and customer acquisition, reveals that while Bloomberg lacks national awareness, he could be a serious contender in the general election if Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump do not receive their respective parties’ nominations.

Fielded to over 6,500 American adults (aged 18-65+), Fluent’s survey found only 35.3% of respondents had heard of Bloomberg. However, when Fluent polled the 1,400+ American adults who had heard of Bloomberg, asking who they would support in various general election matchups that did not feature Clinton and Trump, his poll numbers were competitive.

For example, when Bloomberg was pitted against Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz, Bloomberg finished as a close second to Sanders with 20.7% of the vote. Sanders led the way with 22.7% of the support while Cruz came in last with 18.5%. Bloomberg fared similarly in his matchup against Sanders and Marco Rubio, also finishing as a close second to Sanders. However, when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were present in the matchups, Bloomberg did not fare as well.

When pitted against Trump and Clinton, respondents put Bloomberg in last behind both candidates by a significant margin. Hillary Clinton led the way with 35.7% of the vote. Donald Trump finished a close second with 32.9% of the vote, with Bloomberg in last at 13.7%.

For the full survey results, please visit:

Also visit Fluent’s Political Pulse web portal for complete election coverage:

About Fluent

Fluent, LLC, an IDI company (NYSE MKT: IDI), is an industry leader in people-based digital marketing and customer acquisition, serving over 500 leading consumer brands and direct marketers. Leveraging a massive reservoir of proprietary audience data, as well as millions of real-time survey interactions with consumers every day, Fluent enables advertisers to more effectively target and acquire their most valuable customers, with precision, at a massive scale. The company’s headquarters is in New York City, with a satellite office in Washington, DC.

About IDI, Inc.

IDI, Inc. is an information solutions provider focused on the multi-billion dollar data fusion market. IDI delivers otherwise unattainable insight into the ever-expanding universe of consumer- and business-centric data. Through proprietary linking technology, advanced systems architecture, and a massive data repository, IDI addresses the rapidly growing need for actionable intelligence to support the risk management industry, for purposes including due diligence, risk assessment, fraud detection and prevention, authentication and verification, and more. Additionally, IDI’s cross-functional core systems and processes are designed to deliver products and solutions to the marketing industry and to enable the public and private sectors to layer our solutions over their unique data sets, providing otherwise unattainable insight.