Icelandair Group hf. reported operating results for the month and year to date ended December 2020. For the month, on international flights the company reported number of passengers of 14,452. Load factor was 40.3%. Available Seat KM was 80,700,000. Revenue Passenger KM was 32,600,000. On domestic flights the company reported number of passengers of 10,170. Load factor was 61.0%. Available Seat KM was 5,000,000. For year to date, on international flights the company reported number of passengers of 762,905. Load factor was 67.2%. Available Seat KM was 3,130,000,000. Revenue Passenger KM was 2,104,200,000. On domestic flights the company reported number of passengers of 127,867. Load factor was 65.9%. Available Seat KM was 60,600,000.