Retroscreen embrace BioLeaders Forum in Washington DC, 2014

Retroscreen's Tony Dean attending BioLeaders Forum in Washington DC, end of January 2014

Retroscreen Virology, the global leader in anti-viral research, will be attending the 10th anniversary BioLeaders Forum, taking place in Washington DC, USA, 27 - 29 January 2014.

The event embraces the technology areas of Vaccines, Cell & Gene Therapy and Immunotherapy and is an ideal global knowledge sharing and networking event to start 2014 off well. This meeting will gather together over 150 speakers and around 500 delegates from pharma, biotech and key external stakeholders, including the world's regulators, public and private sector investors, NGOs, payers and analysts.

Tony Dean, Business Development Director with Retroscreen, will be in attendance for the full conference schedule and in particular is interested in the Vaccine Forum with its breadth and quality of speakers and extensive range of subject matter. Tony would be delighted to discuss all aspects of Retroscreen's service provision with regard to human viral challenge studies in flu, RSV and Rhinovirus.

Tony commented: "This event, celebrating its 10th anniversary in Washington in 2014, is one of the most effective ways of keeping pace with the fast-moving developments in the therapeutic areas associated with Retroscreen's core service deliverables. Retroscreen performs an increasingly valuable role in early clinical research to help develop vaccines and drugs against respiratory viral disease. This meeting will facilitate further discussions with our clients (some of whom are speaking during this event) and it will ensure that we maintain our position at the forefront of developments in these critical areas of unmet medical need. It will be really interesting to see how other areas of the sector are developing and to foster further dialogue about the unique Retroscreen solutions to help find treatments for flu, RSV and rhinovirus."

Should you wish to make contact with Tony Dean or any of the Retroscreen business development team before or whilst attending the event please make contact with them by emailing .

The full details of the conference can be found at .

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