HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. announced that PyroGenesis Canada Inc. has submitted a new stage report entitled "Update on The PUREVAP Process Characterization Testing Phase' pertaining to 36 of 50 tests completed to date. The findings are significant in that they demonstrate the success of bench scale test work in scaling up the process of converting low purity feedstock into higher purity silicon metal. The report confirms the scalability of the Process, explaining that in order to improve the yield of High Purity Silicon Metal (99.9+% Si) produced per batch, the lab-scale PUREVAPtm QRR reactor was successfully modified and capacity scaled up by a factor of 3 (300%). As a result, yield went from less than 0.1 g to 8.8 g (test #32), an increase of approximately 9,000% (hundredfold). Of significant interest is the fact that all these results were obtained using lower purity feedstock (98.14% or less SiO2) than used by the Silicon Metal industry to produce Metallurgical Grade Silicon Metal (98.5% Si). Moreover, the results suggest that HPQ PUREVAP(TM) QRR PROCESS is the only process in the world that can systematically produce Silicon Metal of a purity above 3N+ (99.9+% Si) from sub-standard purity feed quartz.