HealthLynked Corp. announced the company has incorporated over 7,000 hospitals and acute care centers into its nationwide network. Patient members have been able to LYNK directly to healthcare providers across the country to share and receive their medical information. Members can now LYNK to Hospitals and grant access to their medical records in case of a medical emergency. Patients routinely visit emergency rooms without any medical records available to physicians to aid in their diagnosis and treatment. In addition to the lack of medical records, patients often arrive unconscious to the emergency room or unable to communicate due to any number of conditions, including strokes, heart attacks or auto accidents. When impaired patients are unable to communicate critical healthcare information, it can have a significant impact on their medical outcomes. The lack of medical information can lead to unnecessary testing, delays in treatment and misdiagnosis. Providing a way for patients to connect to the over 7,000 hospital facilities across the U.S. is an important part of network services.