HAVN Life Sciences Inc. announced the launch of its second line of natural health products—the Brain Evolve Series. The four new SKUs—Brain Evolve AM, Brain Evolve PM Flavoured, Brain Evolve PM Unflavoured and Brain Evolve Anti-Aging—are now available for purchase on yourHAVNlife.com, shipping across Canada and the U.S. The full line will also be available on Amazon and at GNC locations across Canada in late spring. HAVN Life's Brain Evolve Series includes a range of natural ingredients that are known to support trauma recovery and counteract the effects of brain degeneration.

Each formulation is designed to support inflammation reduction and restorative sleep, and promote increased energy and memory. Created and patented by HAVN Life's Director of Education, Matthew Bennett, the Brain Evolve Series formulations were designed to address symptoms of concussion and traumatic brain injury, as well as support cognitive health. As an athletic therapist with expertise in concussion management, Mr. Bennett understood that the symptoms of concussion and trauma—poor sleep, fatigue and lack of clarity—are caused primarily by inflammation.

With his goal to reduce inflammation in the brain and body for his clients, Bennett was able to find success in addressing symptoms of concussion and traumatic brain injury, inspiring his journey into the nutraceutical industry. Throughout his career as an athletic therapist, Matthew Bennett has helped various sports professionals to recover from trauma and brain injuries and the success of his programs led him to design the Brain Evolve Series – meant for anyone looking to support, recover and protect their cognitive health. The Brain Evolve formulations have been used by performance nutritionists and individual players across the NHL®, NFL®, NBA® and AHL® as part of their player brain health recovery regimens.

The effects of trauma can last for several days, weeks, or months, taking a toll on day-to-day living and activities. Symptoms can range from headache, dizziness, brain fog and nausea to disruption in eating, sleeping and elimination habits. Scientific research has shown that there is currently limited effective pharmaceutical treatment for traumatic injury, and has pointed to a larger picture of what occurs in the body following brain injury—most notably the changes in nutrient levels within the brain and body.

The Brain Evolve Series is formulated with natural ingredients that are known to support recovery, help cognitive function and promote restorative sleep: Brain Evolve AM; Brain Evolve PM (Flavoured and Unflavoured); Brain Evolve Anti-Aging.