Haoma Mining NL

A.B.N 12 008 676 177

Registered Office & Head Office:

Level 1, 401 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic., 3000, GPO Box 2282U, Melbourne, Vic., 3001.

Telephone (03) 9629 6888, Facsimile (03) 9629 1250

Email: haoma@roymorgan.comWebsite: www.haoma.com.au

October 9, 2013
Company Announcements Office
Australian Stock Exchange
Level 4, North Tower, Rialto
525 Collins Street


Dear Sirs,

Significant Platinum Group Metals (PGM) grades measured in samples of Bamboo Creek Tailings concentrates

The Directors of Haoma Mining are pleased to advise shareholders that they have received assay results showing significant precious metal grades from samples sent to a European PGM refiner for analysis. The samples analysed recorded all PGM and gold/silver.
Platinum Group Metals are found in limited quantities in only a few locations around the world. They are 'strategic' metals with many industrial uses including medical, electronic and automotive.

Haoma Director's believe the quantities of PGM measured in concentrates produced by conventional mining and processing methods confirm that it is now viable for processing operations to recommence at the Bamboo Creek Plant. This would soon be able to generate a significant cash flow for Haoma.

On September 30, 2013 Haoma shareholders were advised of recent developments regarding processing Bamboo Creek Tailings using the Elazac Process.
The following summarises developments at Bamboo Creek since then:

The Bamboo Creek Plant has been re-configured so that it is now capable of processing test parcels of Bamboo Creek Tailings with a feed rate of 8 tonnes an hour.

Test processing has produced a series of Bamboo Creek Tailings and Mt Webber

Concentrate products which range in output from 4% to about 60% of the ore processed.

Samples from concentrates have been sent to three overseas refiners for evaluation of both the ore composition and precious metal assay grades.

To date assays have been received from one European refiner for three concentrate samples.

They are shown in Table 1 below. Assays are awaited for 7 more Bamboo Creek Tailing samples and 3 Mt Webber samples. Shareholders will be advised of additional concentrate assay results when received.

Previous precious metal assays for Bamboo Creek Tailings Concentrate samples are shown in Table 2 below.

Perth Office:

Suite 22 Piccadilly Square 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth, W.A. 6000

Tel: (08) 9325 4899 Fax: (08) 9221 1341

Haoma has begun negotiations with three overseas refiners to determine the most favourable terms Haoma can obtain for an 'off- take' agreement to supply about 1,600 tonnes of Bamboo Creek Tailing Concentrate a month.

On the completion of test work Haoma will apply to the Department of Mines and Petroleum for a full operating licence to use the Bamboo Creek Plant to process the million tonnes of Bamboo Creek Tailings.

The Platinum Group Metals and gold/silver assays in Table 1 below show the Bamboo Creek Plant is capable of producing ore concentrates which contain significant quantities of PGM and in addition gold and silver.

The latest results are significantly higher than assays received in October 2012 (Table 2 below). In addition the cost of producing concentrates from Bamboo Creek Tailings is now significantly lower than they were previously.
The current Bamboo Creek Plant trial production costs are approximately $650 an hour (about $80 per tonne). The shipping costs for concentrate ore from the Bamboo Creek Plant to an overseas refinery is about $300 a tonne.
Haoma expects to receive more concentrate assays over the next 2 weeks, once received the optimum test plant configuration can be determined.

Table 1: Bamboo Creek Tailings Concentrate and Mt Webber Concentrate Assays.

Assays in second columns are the calculated PGM and gold/silver Head Grades for the ores processed (Tests conducted October 2013)


Creek 1


Creek 2

Mt Webber 1

Sample size tested 250 kg 250kg 15 kg
Concentrate as a %
of sample 15.78% 11.58% 4.17%

Gold/Silver &

European Refinery Concentrate Assay

Calculated Head Grade

European Refinery Concentrate Assay

Calculated Head Grade

European Refinery Concentrate Assay

Calculated Head Grade

PGM gradesppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

Au 689 107 260 31 100 4
Ag 370 580 400 47 340 14
Pt 1090 172 1200 141 600 25
Pd 4840 763 4440 522 2050 85
Ir - 100 12 150 6
Ru 370 58 1040 122 - -

Total gold/silver & PGM 7350 1198 7440 875 3240 134 Nickel grade Copper grade Zinc grade 1790 380 1600 330 580 - 6320 15100 2490


Table 2: Bamboo Creek Tailings Concentrate[1] Assays (Tests conducted October 2012) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

Creek Tailings sample size Concentrate as a % of tailings sample
70 kg 70 kg 75 kg 305kg
13.41% 12.22% 2.34% 4.0%

Gold/silver &

European Refinery Assay

Aust. Lab Assay

European Refinery Assay

Aust. Lab Assay

European Refinery Assay

Aust. Lab Assay

Aust. Lab Assay

PGM gradesppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

Au 80 342 100 431 40 1,021 433
Ag 150 264 90
measured 130 77 382
Pt 560 312 450 421 470 32 29
Pd 520 199 500 323 810 - - Ir 40 20 20 22 90 - - Rh 50 - 120 - 10 - -

Total gold/silver & PGM 1250 856 1119 1200 1430 1053 462 Nickel grades 4700 3698 Not measured 4080 7630 5913 9228 Samples 1 and 2 are the same Bamboo Creek Tailing Concentrate plus a 'Middling Concentrate' fraction. Sample 3 is a Bamboo Creek Tailings Concentrate sample which was acid digested (HCL) before assaying. No

'Middling Concentrate' fraction was added.

Sample 4 was a Bamboo Creek Tailings Concentrate sample which was NOT acid digested (HCL) before assaying. No 'Middling Concentrate' fraction was added.

Yours sincerely,

Gary C Morgan, CHAIRMAN

1. The information & data in this report as it relates to Metallurgical Results is based on information compiled by Mr. Peter Cole who is an expert in regard to this type of metallurgical test work. The results relate to testing the effectiveness of a new method of assaying for gold and other mineral content (the Refined Elazac Assay Method) and a new method for extraction of gold and other minerals from ore (the Refined Elazac Extraction Method). These methods are together referred to as the Elazac Process. The information reported relates solely to ongoing test work in relation to bringing the Elazac Process to commercial realisation. Mr. Cole has worked in the mining industry for over 30 years and has been associated with the development of the Elazac Process over a long period (approximately 15 years). Mr. Cole is one of only a few persons with sufficient relevant knowledge and experience to report results in relation to test work on the Refined Elazac Assay Method and Refined Elazac Extraction Method. Mr. Cole has consented to the inclusion in this report of the information and data in the form and context in which it appears


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