Hansteen Holdings announced Jamie Hambro, Non-Executive Chairman, has retired from the Board immediately and is succeeded by Mel Egglenton, who joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director on 10 June 2014 and is currently the Senior Independent Director. David Rough, who was appointed to the Board on 1 October 2015, will succeed Mel Egglenton in his role as Senior Independent Director. David has also been appointed to the Audit Committee with effect from 23 August 2016. Margaret Young, who was appointed to the Board on 1 October 2015, has been appointed to the Remuneration Committee with effect from 23 August 2016 and will take over from Mel Egglenton as Chair of the Remuneration Committee. Mel Egglenton will step down from the Audit Committee with effect from 23 August 2016 and as Chair of the Remuneration Committee but will remain a member of the Remuneration Committee.