Certain A Shares of Guangdong Jushen Logistics Co., Ltd. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 23-APR-2022. These A Shares will be under lockup for 365 days starting from 23-APR-2021 to 23-APR-2022. Details: The company's controlling shareholder and actual controller, Lei Qi, shareholder Lei Gaochao, Foshan Xinlong Limited Partnership and Foshan Shenmao Limited Partnership, shareholders of the company, Chen Biao, Chen Sheng, Xi Feiqun, Kong Yang, Lei Jinlin, Zeng Yongfa, Zhou Xiaoying and Liu Jian commit within 36 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the company. Ningbo Baorun (Limited Partnership), shareholder of the Company commits within 12 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the company. Ningbo Haiyi (Limited Partnership), shareholder of the Company, commits within 12 months from the date of this issuance and listing, the company will not transfer or entrust others to manage the 2,660,000 shares (including December 2019 capital) subscribed to by the enterprise in the national SME share transfer system before this issuance and listing Part of the company's shares from the reserve to share capital), and the company will not repurchase that part of the shares. The 3,000,000 shares of the company received by the controlling shareholder, the actual controller and its related parties will not be transferred or entrusted to others for management within thirty-six months from the date of the company's current listing.