Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.

Securities Code: 6674 June 6, 2024 Start date of measures for electronic provision: May 31, 2024

To Shareholders with Voting Rights:

Osamu Murao President

GS Yuasa Corporation

1, Inobanba-cho, Nishinosho, Kisshoin, Minami-ku,

Kyoto, Japan


You are hereby notified that the 20th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of GS Yuasa Corporation (the "Company") will be held as described below.

If you are unable to attend the Meeting in person, you may exercise your voting rights electronically (via the internet, etc.) or in writing. Please review Reference Documents for the Meeting and exercise your voting rights by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Japan Standard Time).

  1. Date and Time: Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Japan Standard Time)
  2. Venue: Hall at Head Office

1, Inobanba-cho, Nishinosho, Kisshoin, Minami-ku, Kyoto, Japan

3. Meeting Agenda Matters to be reported:

  1. The Business Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the 20th fiscal year (April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024) (the "Fiscal Year") and results of audits of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Board
  2. Non-consolidatedFinancial Statements for the Fiscal Year

Matters to be resolved:

Proposal 1

Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal 2

Election of Seven (7) Directors

Proposal 3

Election of One (1) Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Proposal 4

Payment of Bonuses for Directors

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4. Items Concerning Measures for Electronic Provision

When convening this Meeting, the Company takes measures for providing information that constitutes the content of reference documents for the general meeting of shareholders, etc. (items for which measures for providing information in electronic format are to be taken) in electronic format. Please access any of the websites below to review the information.

[The Company's Website] (in Japanese)

[Website for Informational Materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders] (in Japanese)

  • If revisions to the items subject to measures for providing information in electronic format arise, it will be posted on each of the websites above.
  • Among the items subject to measures for providing information in electronic format, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, the following items are not provided in the paper-based documents delivered to shareholders who requested the delivery of such documents. Each item of (i) to (viii) below has been combined with the Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements, and Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the auditing process when preparing the results of audits by Audit & Supervisory Board and the Accounting Auditor.
    1. Items concerning the Accounting Auditor
    2. Overview of the resolutions by the Board of Directors on the development of systems necessary to ensure the properness of operations and the operating status of the systems
    3. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets
    4. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
    5. Non-consolidatedBalance Sheets
    6. Non-consolidatedStatement of Income
    7. Non-consolidatedStatements of Changes in Net Assets
    8. Notes to the Non-consolidated Financial Statements
    9. Audit Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Accounting Auditor (copy)
    10. Audit Report on the Non-consolidated Financial Statements by the Accounting Auditor (copy)
    11. Audit Report by the Audit & Supervisory Board (copy)
  • Reception is planned to begin at 9:00 a.m. on the day of the Meeting.
  • When you attend the Meeting, you are kindly requested to present the enclosed voting form at the reception desk.
  • Only our shareholders are allowed to enter the venue. Persons who are attending as proxies of shareholders need to be themselves shareholders. In addition, the proxy shall be limited to one person.

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Reference Documents for the Meeting

Proposal 1

Appropriation of Surplus

The Company proposes the appropriation of surplus as follows: Year-end dividends

The Company considers the appropriate return of profit to its shareholders as one of management policies of utmost importance, and believes that the paying of dividends should be principally determined by comprehensively taking into consideration consolidated performance trends, the financial situation, and the payout ratio among other data.

The Company has given consideration to matters including the consolidated business performance of the Fiscal Year and future business development, and it proposes to pay year-end dividends for the Fiscal Year as follows, increasing the payment by ¥20 per share compared with the previous fiscal year.

As the Company has already paid an interim dividend of ¥15 per common share of the Company for this period, the annual dividend will be ¥70 per share.

  1. Type of dividend property Cash
  2. Allocation of dividend property to shareholders and total amount thereof
    The Company proposes to pay a dividend of ¥55 per common share of the Company. In this event, the total dividends will be ¥5,519,313,800.
  3. Effective date of distribution of surplus
    The effective date of dividends will be June 28, 2024.

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Proposal 2

Election of Seven (7) Directors

The terms of office of all seven (7) currently serving Directors will expire at the conclusion of the Meeting. Therefore, the Company proposes the election of seven (7) Directors.

The Company has established the Nomination and Compensation Committee, which is chaired by an Outside Director who is an independent officer, and of which Outside Directors who are independent officers compose a majority of members, to enhance the transparency and objectivity in the nomination process of candidates for Directors. Regarding the selection of the candidates, the Board of Directors has determined the candidates after seeking and receiving advice from the Nomination and Compensation Committee.

The candidates for Director are as follows:

Current position and

Attendance at




Board of

Tenure as








12 years


Osamu Murao



Chief Executive Officer




Takashi Abe

New election






Masahiro Shibutani



Executive Vice President


3 years




2 years


Hiroaki Matsushima



Chief Financial Officer





6 years


Takayoshi Matsunaga








4 years


Yoshiko Nonogaki






New election


Koji Nitto







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Career summary, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

[significant concurrent positions]


Apr. 1982

Joined Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd.

(currently GS Yuasa International Ltd.)

June 2011

Officer of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

June 2012

Director, person in charge of Quality Control

and vice person in charge of Technology of the


Osamu Murao

Director of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

Director of GS Yuasa Technology Ltd.

(January 15, 1960)


June 2014

Vice person in charge of Industrial Batteries &


Power Sources Business of the Company

June 2015

President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


(current position)

President of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

(current position)

[Significant concurrent positions outside the Company]

President of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Director and expected roles]

Osamu Murao has extensive knowledge about the business of the Company group (the "Group"), and as a Director, was

in charge of Quality Control, Technology, and Industrial Batteries and Power Sources Business in addition to his

business experience in Manufacturing and Production Technology Departments. Moreover, after being appointed as

President of the Company in June 2015, he has been in charge of the Group as CEO and has been guiding the business

management of the Group, by directing the formulation of Medium-term Management Plans for the Group and

demonstrating leadership for accomplishing these plans. Based on his abundant experience and knowledge, the

Company has judged him to be the right person to supervise overall group management. Therefore, the Company has

nominated him again as a candidate for Director.

Apr. 1989

Joined Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd.

(currently GS Yuasa International Ltd.)

Mar. 2003

President of GS Battery U.S.A. Inc.

Apr. 2010

General Manager of Corporate Strategic

Planning Office of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

June 2016

Corporate Officer

Oct. 2016

Executive Vice President of GS Yuasa Energy

Co., Ltd.

Apr. 2018

Deputy Business Unit Manager of Industrial

Takashi Abe

Batteries & Power Sources Business Unit of GS

Yuasa International Ltd.

(October 17, 1965)


Division Manager of Overseas Sales Division,

New election

Industrial Batteries & Power Sources Business



Apr. 2022

Director (current position)

Division Manager of Power Supply System

Sales Division, Industrial Batteries & Power

Sources Business Unit

Apr. 2023

Business Unit Manager of Automotive Battery

Business Unit

[Significant concurrent positions outside the Company]

Director of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Director and expected roles]

Takashi Abe has extensive knowledge about the business of the Group based on his service as a Director at a subsidiary

and as a President at an overseas subsidiary in addition to his business experience in Industrial Batteries and Power

Sources Business, Automotive Battery Business, and Corporate Strategic Planning Office. Based on his abundant

experience and knowledge, the Company has judged him to be the right person to supervise overall group management.

Therefore, the Company has nominated him as a new candidate for Director.

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Career summary, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

[significant concurrent positions]


Apr. 1984

Joined Yuasa Battery Co., Ltd. (currently GS

Yuasa International Ltd.)

Jan. 2006

General Manager of Finance and Accounting

Division of the Company

Apr. 2007

Director of GS Yuasa Accounting Service Ltd.

(currently GS Yuasa International Ltd.)

Apr. 2010

President and Director of Yuasa (Tianjin)

Technology Ltd.

Apr. 2012

General Manager of Corporate Office of the


General Manager of Internal Control Office

June 2014

Officer of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

Audit & Supervisory Board Member of GS

Masahiro Shibutani

Yuasa Battery Ltd.

June 2016

Corporate Officer of GS Yuasa International

(November 2, 1960)




President of GS Yuasa Battery Ltd.


June 2019

Senior Officer of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

Apr. 2020


Apr. 2021

Managing Director

June 2021

Managing Director of the Company

June 2022

Senior Managing Director

Senior Managing Director of GS Yuasa

International Ltd.

June 2023

Executive Vice President of the Company

(current position)

Executive Vice President of GS Yuasa

International Ltd. (current position)

[Significant concurrent positions outside the Company]

Executive Vice President of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Director and expected roles]

Masahiro Shibutani has knowledge about global business management, administration and operations based on his

service as an officer at an overseas subsidiary in addition to his business experience in Automotive Battery Business and

Administrative Departments. Based on his abundant experience and knowledge, the Company has judged him to be the

right person to supervise overall group management. Therefore, the Company has nominated him again as a candidate

for Director.

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Career summary, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

[significant concurrent positions]


Apr. 1989

Joined Yuasa Battery Co., Ltd. (currently GS

Yuasa International Ltd.)

Apr. 2015

General Manager of Corporate Office of the


June 2016

General Manager of Finance and Accounting

Division of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

(current position)

Director of GS Yuasa Accounting Service Ltd.

(currently GS Yuasa International Ltd.)

Hiroaki Matsushima

Audit & Supervisory Board Member of GS

Yuasa Fieldings Ltd.

(January 15, 1966)


June 2017

Officer of GS Yuasa International Ltd.


June 2018

President of GS Yuasa Accounting Service Ltd.


(currently GS Yuasa International Ltd.)

Apr. 2020

Head of Corporate Office of the Company

(current position)

Apr. 2021

Director of GS Yuasa International Ltd. (current


June 2022

Director and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of

the Company (current position)

[Significant concurrent positions outside the Company]

Director of GS Yuasa International Ltd.

[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Director and expected roles]

Hiroaki Matsushima has knowledge about overall group management based on his service as a Director and an Audit &

Supervisory Board Member at subsidiaries in addition to his business experience in Administrative Departments

including Accounting, Finance and Information Systems. Based on his abundant experience and knowledge, the

Company has judged him to be the right person to supervise overall group management. Therefore, the Company has

nominated him again as a candidate for Director.

- 7 -



Career summary, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

[significant concurrent positions]


Apr. 1975


June 2002

Director and Senior Vice President of High

Performance Plastics Company

Apr. 2004

Director, person in charge of IT-Related

Business Unit of High Performance Plastics


June 2004

Managing Director, person in charge of IT-

Related Business Unit of High Performance

Takayoshi Matsunaga

Plastics Company

Apr. 2005

Executive Managing Director and President of

(May 11, 1951)

High Performance Plastics Company



Apr. 2008

Executive Managing Director, Senior Managing


Executive Officer and President of High


Performance Plastics Company


June 2008

Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer

and President of High Performance Plastics


Mar. 2014

Director and CEO's Special mission

June 2014

Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of

Sekisui Jushi Corporation

June 2018

Director of the Company (current position)

[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Outside Director and expected roles]

Takayoshi Matsunaga has extensive knowledge to supervise overall management based on management experience as a

Director at a listed company expanding overseas in addition to his experience as an Audit & Supervisory Board

Member of a listed company. Based on his abundant experience, knowledge, and neutral and objective viewpoint, the

Company has judged him to be capable of performing the supervisory function of the Board of Directors of the

Company with regard to the business operation. Therefore, the Company has nominated him again as a candidate for

Outside Director.

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Career summary, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

[significant concurrent positions]


Apr. 1980

Joined Sony Corporation (currently Sony

Group Corporation)

Sept. 1992

President and Representative Director of Sony

Poland sp.zo.o

July 1994

General Manager of Sales and Marketing

Department, Recording Media and Energy

Company of Sony Corporation (currently Sony

Group Corporation)

Apr. 1999

General Manager of Planning and Marketing

Department, Personal IT Network Company

Yoshiko Nonogaki

Apr. 2006

General Manager of Business Planning

Department, Business and Professional

(July 31, 1957)

Solutions Group



Apr. 2009

Senior General Manager of Planning and


Marketing Division, Business and Professional


Solutions Group


Apr. 2013

Director of Global Diversity, Personnel HQ

June 2015

Outside Director of Jolly-Pasta Co., Ltd.

June 2019

Outside Director of Nifco Inc. (current


June 2020

Director of the Company (current position)

June 2021

Outside Director of SATO HOLDINGS

CORPORATION (current position)

[Significant concurrent positions outside the Company]

Outside Director of Nifco Inc.


[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Outside Director and expected roles]

Yoshiko Nonogaki has extensive knowledge to supervise overall management based on experience as an Outside

Director of listed companies in addition to her experience in business departments at a listed company expanding

overseas and in management at an overseas subsidiary. Based on her abundant experience, knowledge, and neutral and

objective viewpoint, the Company has judged her to be capable of performing the supervisory function of the Board of

Directors of the Company with regard to the business operation. Therefore, the Company has nominated her again as a

candidate for Outside Director.

Apr. 1983


CO. (currently OMRON Corporation)

Mar. 2011

Senior General Manager of Global Resource

Management HQ of OMRON Corporation

June 2011

Executive Officer

Mar. 2013

Senior General Manager of Global SCM and IT

Koji Nitto

Innovation HQ

(February 1, 1961)

Apr. 2013

Managing Executive Officer

New election

Mar. 2014

Senior General Manager of Global Strategy HQ



Apr. 2014

Senior Managing Executive Officer



June 2014

Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer

Apr. 2017

Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer

and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

June 2023

Outside Director of WACOAL HOLDINGS

CORP. (current position)

[Significant concurrent positions outside the Company]

Outside Director of WACOAL HOLDINGS CORP.

[Reasons for nomination as a candidate for Outside Director and expected roles]

Koji Nitto has extensive knowledge to supervise overall management based on experience as an Outside Director of a

listed company in addition to his experience as CFO and in business departments at a listed company expanding

overseas. Based on his abundant experience, knowledge, and neutral and objective viewpoint, the Company has judged

him to be capable of performing the supervisory function of the Board of Directors of the Company with regard to the

business operation. Therefore, the Company has nominated him as a new candidate for Outside Director.

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(Notes) 1. There are no special interests between any of the candidates and the Company.

  1. Takayoshi Matsunaga, Yoshiko Nonogaki and Koji Nitto are candidates for Outside Director.
  2. Takayoshi Matsunaga is currently an Outside Director of the Company, and at the conclusion of the Meeting, his tenure as an Outside Director will have been six (6) years.
  3. Yoshiko Nonogaki is currently an Outside Director of the Company, and at the conclusion of the Meeting, her tenure as an Outside Director will have been four (4) years.
  4. Pursuant to the provisions in Article 28 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company and Article 427, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act (the "Act"), the Company has entered into an agreement with Takayoshi Matsunaga and Yoshiko Nonogaki to limit their liability under Article 423, paragraph 1 of the Act to a maximum amount of ¥10 million or the minimum liability limit stipulated in Article 425, paragraph 1 of the Act, whichever is higher, and if their reelection is approved, the Company plans to renew the relevant agreement with them.
  5. If the election of candidate for Director Koji Nitto is approved, pursuant to the provisions in Article 28 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company and Article 427, paragraph 1 of the Act, the Company plans to enter into an agreement with him to limit his liability under Article 423, paragraph 1 of the Act to a maximum amount of ¥10 million or the minimum liability limit stipulated in Article 425, paragraph 1 of the Act, whichever is higher.
  6. The Company has concluded a directors' and officers' liability insurance contract provided for in Article 430-3, paragraph 1 of the Act with an insurance company. If each candidate is elected and appointed as Director, the Company plans to insure all Directors under the relevant insurance contract. The Company plans to renew the relevant insurance contract with the same contents at the next renewal.
  7. The Company has submitted notification to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, that Takayoshi Matsunaga and Yoshiko Nonogaki have been appointed as independent officers as provided for by the aforementioned Exchange. If their reelection is approved, the Company plans for their appointment as independent officers to continue.
  8. If the election of candidate for Director Koji Nitto is approved, the Company plans to appoint him as an independent officer as provided for by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  9. Koji Nitto will be appointed as an Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) of T&D Holdings, Inc. at that company's annual general meeting of shareholders to be held on June 26, 2024.

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GS Yuasa Corporation published this content on 30 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 May 2024 23:16:03 UTC.