Waturu Holding A/S - ændring i bestyrelsen

Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 52

Fredericia, den 22. januar 2021

Waturu Holding A/S - ændring i bestyrelsen

Ændring i bestyrelsen i Waturu Holding A/S - Thomas Marschall (formand), Anders Skov (bestyrelsesmedlem), Bjørn Kaare Jensen (bestyrelsesmedlem), fratræder i forbindelse med afholdelsen af en kommende ekstraordinær generalforsamling, hvor der opstilles nye kandidater.

Information til investorerne

Waturu Holding A/S flytter sig nu ind i en ny fase, hvor selskabet skal have fokus på salg.

Bestyrelsen skal have en stor tak for at have sikret, at selskabet er kommet i mål med udviklingen af en unik energieffektiv og vandbesparende vandvarmer, som nu produceres i Danmark.

Bestyrelsen skal ligeledes have stor tak for at have udnyttet mulighederne i teknologien til at investere i datterselskaberne Aquaturu A/S samt Watgen Medical A/S.

Aquaturu A/S udvikler og producerer innovative renseløsninger til produktionsvand indenfor Aquakultur branchen. En ny type teknologi, som forventes kommercialiseret i 2021.

Watgen Medical A/S, udvikler en ny type sårplejeløsning, som kan sikre at kroniske sårplejepatienter kan behandle deres sår med bakteriefrit skyllevand. Selskabet har derudover et spændende potentiale med en teknologi, som forventeligt kan hjælpe patienter med børneeksem.

Waturu har været igennem væsentlige forsinkelser med produktionen af selskabets tankløse vandvarmer, og måtte i oktober 2020 desværre indse, at børsnoteringen af Aquaturu A/S måtte udskydes. Det på trods af at selskabet havde solgt 12 MDKK af et udbud på 25-35 MDKK og til en værdisætning på 170 MDKK.

Bestyrelsen overlader et selskab, som står overfor en spændende rejse med færdige produkter, der nu skal sikre investorerne afkast og fremgang.

På vegne af investorerne skal bestyrelsen have stor tak for at have styret selskabet igennem en meget udfordrende periode og ledelsen vil sikre en række overleveringsmøder med den kommende bestyrelse, således at de får den bedste mulige start.

Om Waturu Holding A/S

Waturu Holding A/S er en Greentech-virksomhed, som udvikler innovativ vandteknologi til opvarmning eller behandling af vand, med det fokus at sikre bakteriefrit vand samt nedsætte vand - og energiforbruget til opvarmning af varmt brugsvand i ejendomme og dermed sikre CO2- besparelser. Waturu Holding A/S er hovedaktionær i medico selskabet Watgen Medical A/S samt i teknologiselskabet Aquaturu A/S.

Yderligere oplysninger:

CEO Toke Reedtz, tlf.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail:toke@waturu.com

Waturu Holding A/S

Sjællandsgade 32

7100 Vejle

Certified Adviser Tofte & Company ApS Christian IX Gade 7, 3rd, 1111 København

Tlf.: +45 71961030

Kontaktperson: Sasja Dalgaard, tlf.: +45 26100877, e-mail: sd@toftecompany.com

Hjemmeside: toftecompany.com

Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Vigtige links:

Hjemmesiden: www.waturu.dk

Finansielle rapporter:


Fortløbende opdateringer fra selskabet:



Waturu Holding A/S - change in board of directors

Company announcement nr. 52

Fredericia, January 22. 2021

Waturu Holding A/S - change in board of directors

Change in the Board of Directors of Waturu Holding A/S - Thomas Marschall (chairman), Anders Skov (boardmember), Bjørn Kaare Jensen (board member), will resign in connection with an upcoming extraordinary general meeting, where new candidates will be nominated.

Information to the investors:

Waturu Holding A/S is now moving into a new phase where the company must focus on sales.

The Board of Directors must be thanked for ensuring that the company has reached the goal of developing a unique energy-efficient and water-saving water heater, which is now produced in Denmark.

The Board of Directors should also be thanked for having taken advantage of the opportunities in the technology to invest in the subsidiaries Aquaturu A/S and Watgen Medical A/S.

Aquaturu A/S, which develops and produces innovative treatment solution for production water within the Aquaculture industry. A new type of technology, which is expected to be commercialized in 2021.

Watgen Medical A/S, are developing a new type of wound care solution that can ensure that chronic wound care patients can rinse their wounds with bacteria free water. In addition, the company has exciting potential with a technology that is expected to help patients with childhood eczema.

The company has been through production delays and in October 2020, unfortunately had to realize that the listing of Aquaturu A/S, had to be postponed. This despite the fact that the company had sold 12 MDKK of an offer of 25-35 MDKK and to a valuation of 170 MDKK.

The board of directors leaves a company, which is facing an exciting journey, with finished products, which must now ensure investors returns and growth.

On behalf of the investors, the board of directors must be thanked for having managed the company through a very challenging period and the management will ensure a series of handover meetings with the future board of directors so that they get the best possible start.

About Waturu Holding A/S

Waturu Holding A/S is a Greentech company, which develops innovative water technology for heating or treating water, with the focus on ensuring bacteria-free water and reducing water and energy consumption for heating hot water in properties and thus ensuring CO2 savings. Waturu Holding A/S is a major shareholder in the medical company Watgen Medical A/S and in the technology company Aquaturu A/S.

Further information:

CEO Toke Reedtz, cell.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail: toke@waturu.com

Waturu Holding A/S

Sjællandsgade 32

7100 Vejle

Certified Adviser Tofte & Company ApS Christian IX Gade 7, 3 rd , 1111 København Phone.: +45 71961030

Contact: Sasja Dalgaard, mobile: +45 26100877, e-mail: sd@toftecompany.com

Website: toftecompany.com

Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Important links:



Financial reports:


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Waturu Holding A/S published this content on 22 January 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 22 January 2021 18:55:01 UTC