GOLDEN LAKE EXPLORATION INC. acquired 51% stake in Molly Gibson - Golden Lode Property from Rich River Exploration Ltd for CAD 5,000 during the period ended November 30, 2018. To acquire an additional 49% interest in the Molly Gibson – Golden Lode Property, GOLDEN LAKE EXPLORATION INC. is required to: pay a total of CAD 0.16 million in cash payments to Rich River and Craig A. Lynes; issue a total of 0.6 million common shares to Rich River and Craig A. Lynes; and incur an aggregate minimum of CAD 0.5 million in exploration expenditures on the Molly Gibson – Golden Lode Property. GOLDEN LAKE EXPLORATION INC. completed the acquisition of 51% stake in Molly Gibson - Golden Lode Property from Rich River Exploration Ltd during the period ended November 30, 2018.