Globant announced the formation of a new advisory board to its North American management team. The newly established group of advisors will provide strategic and sustainable counsel to Globant in North America to reinforce exponential growth, as many clients continue to shift to a digital-first way of working brought on by the pandemic. In addition to advising Globant's North American management team on strategic business operations, the newly appointed board and their breadth of cross-sector experience will inform key growth areas and new industries for current existing Globant clients. The appointed advisory board members include Jennifer Oleksiw, Chief Consumer Experience Officer at Eli Lilly and Company; Maria Pinelli, former EY executive and global business consultant; Jeff Schumacher, Founder & CEO of NAX Group; Dan Gertsacov, senior advisor at McKinsey & Company; and Noah Mamet, former U.S. Ambassador to Argentina. Jennifer Oleksiwis the Chief Consumer Experience Officer at Eli Lilly and Company, where she's served the company for over 21 years. In previous positions, Jennifer was the Vice President & Information Officer for Lilly Business Units, Lilly Bio-Medicines Business Unit and Lilly Bio-Medicines & Oncology Business Unit. Prior to her tenure at Eli Lilly & Company, Jennifer worked as a consultant for Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Maria Pinelliis a retired Senior Partner and formerly a Global Vice Chair for EY, where she ran an $8 Billion business serving growth companies. She is currently the CEO of Strategic Growth Advisors, LLC and offers strategic and financial advice to growing companies. She currently serves on the board of Globant, SA, Archer Aviation and Clairm Acquisition Corp. as a member or chair of the Audit Committees respectively. Jeff Schumacher is the Founder and CEO of capital markets firm NAX Group, where he's led the company for nearly three years. Jeff brings a great deal of experience in the consumer technology and innovation sectors with more than 25 years of experience developing and leading business strategy, investments and operations for a number of companies, including BCG Digital Ventures, Booz Digital, McKinsey & Company, and more. Dan Gertsacovis a Senior Advisor at McKinsey & Company, where he has advised clients and teams within their global consumer practice. Dan has over 20 years of experience developing, counseling, and leading companies like Google and McDonald's, venture-backed startups, and non-profits around the world, particularly as it relates to growth and digital implementations. Ambassador Noah Mametis currently Chairman for the Americas at Delphos International, the leading consulting firm which helps companies in emerging markets access capital from international development banks. He is also a member of the advisory boards for DirecTV Latin America as well as the Wilson Center's Latin American Program in Washington, D.C. He has more than 20 years of experience in business development, philanthropic consulting and government affairs.