2014-01-14 10:55:04

The European Financial Congress Project

The European Financial Congress Project for Sustainable Development of Poland's Capital Market

The proper operation of the capital and financial market is a precondition of effective allocation of capital in the economy. A properly designed capital market will allow to build a strong economy, grow prosperity and create an effective pension savings system. Therefore, development of the capital market should be a priority of the government and a result of joint initiatives of all capital market stakeholders. The strategy should be consistent with the strategy of Poland's social and economic growth.

Capital market development strategy
The first step in drafting a capital market development strategy is to identify its goal and those responsible for drafting and implementing it. The strategy should be implemented by all interested parties including the public administration, businesses, and non-governmental organisations. The European Financial Congress Project has declared its support and, in partnership with Warsaw Stock Exchange, is committed to continuation of the constructive debate and provision of expert opinions, analyses and recommendations on capital market development. It should be the overarching goal of the strategy to enable the pursuit of the capital market mission understood as creating conditions conducive to the mobilisation of savings, increasing the investment attractiveness of the region of Central and Eastern Europe, and improving the mechanism of capital allocation and corporate valuation.

The European Financial Congress Project has taken specific actions aimed at supporting the development of Poland's capital market include the drafting of a strategy. The current actions include among others the following:

  • the Capital Market Summit. Strategic Ideas organised in partnership with Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw on 5 December 2013 (Annex 1)
  • the "Capital Market Megatrends: A Ten Years Horizon" survey (Annex 2)
  • recommendations for the capital market drafted at EFC 2013 (Annex 3)

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The European Financial Congress Project

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