AND International Publishers N.V. provided earnings guidance for the year 2020. For the year, the company increasing number of Covid-19 infections in many countries in Europe is again causing uncertainty resulting in an economic slowdown. The partial lockdown in many of target markets such as the Netherlands, Germany and the USA is unfavorably impacting high end outlook. In spite of this adverse impact, AND is pleased to confirm the lower end of the revenue guidance provided in August. For the full year 2020, the company expects to generate a revenue within the range of €1,550,000 to €1,700,000, which represents a YOY growth in the range of 46% to 60% compared to 2019 . This is expected to result in an operating loss in the range of €1,450,000 to €1,300,000 a net loss in the range of €1,200,000 to €1,100,000. The high end of the revenue range has reduced as a result of slower decision making processes particularly within data sales prospects. Revenue mix shows an increase in the service revenue, which requires additional resources to meet this demand. Service projects also have a longer cycle to convert into cash, which explains the higher cash outflow guidance.