GeoOp Ltd. announced the resignation of its Managing Director, Dr. Anna Cicognani, the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, Kylie O'Reilly and the appointment of a new Non-Executive Director, Mark Rushworth. The resignation will be effective from 1 February 2018. Anna will be available to assist the company during a transitional period.

Kylie will be appointed CEO of the company with effect from 1 February 2018. She has been with the company since November 2017, running its partner channels. Prior to joining the company, Kylie was General Manager of Bluewater Control.

Mark will join the company board from 1 February 2018, bringing a strong mix of governance, marketing and technology experience. Mark is currently Chairman of fintech start-up Genoapay, and a Non-Executive Director of NZX-listed Freightways.